The augmentable animation features are unique - using .glb which is referred as the JPEG of 3D!
Merge multiple animation clips into one 3D object without any effort. This means you can animate an asset with different poses, animations and cycles and select each of them inside augmentable and play them in augmented reality. This helps with quick creation and feedback on iterations of assets, while maintaining the convenience of having everything on one platform.
Get 3D animations
But now let's get started, there are a few steps that need to be taken care of for now with a 3D software or toolkit of your choice.
The first step of course is creating or generating an animation for example keyframe animation with Blender or Motion Capture animation with Mixamo, MoCap Online or another program of your choice. For this your asset will need a so called rig, which is basically a bone structure inside your character. For example you will have to apply your human character model to a human bone rig in order to animate it.
After creating your rig and applying animations or motion capture files to your assets you can export those as a GLB with embedded and baked animation clips. Another way to create animations would be with so-called blendshapes. You could use your existing character and duplicate it in another pose and blend between the main and new pose.
Prepare your 3D Assets for Animation

Upload your Asset with augmentable
When preparing your assets, augmentable gives you the option to upload your high-polygon or low-polygon mesh to the platform. To automatically prepare your assets using what we call the "Remesh & Optimization" process (mentioned in our earlier blog post).
This process is not only to reduce the file size, but also to simplify the object. All to keep the details of the original asset. This process called baking is a standard in the game engine workflow. augmenting here means projecting the details onto the simplified mesh and applying them as a texture image.
What's especially great is you can change these settings depending on your final specifications.

We can even make a spaceship fly like this - the sky is not the limit after all!

"Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler."
– Albert Einstein
Review your GLB Animations
Now you can move your animated asset as you like or play a specific sequence of movements. Or play it in a loop by activating the animation feature in the viewer setting. In our animation settings, you can also play different movements one after the other. Even blend between multiple clips and thus virtually view and edit the timing of the sequence. It is possible to trigger individual movements to check your assets jump, run, hop, sleep, sit down or dance animations.
In addition, there are the functions to apply shadows, change brightness and contrast. To view your asset in front of different colors and backgrounds. You can also feedback on the existing animation. The change dot feature is perfect to quickly review or just comment on your asset. With the screen capture function you can even create short clips.

Benefit from
weltfern 3D expertise!
As future tech agency, weltfern develops cutting edge realtime software. Together with leading clients like Adidas, we strive to maximize 3D quality. You are welcome to test our online tools for 3D asset enhancement and content creation. Schedule a personal demo appointment followed by a case-based consultation.