According to the motto the sky is not even close to the limit, we have created an interactive marketing experience in the form of a game. You control a spaceship, fly across the galaxy and discover shoes hidden in planets. What makes this project special is the super tiny file size!
The average size of a cell phone photo is 6mb. We take pictures all the time, so why does a whole game have to be 8mb? The answer is Snapchat, because the customer wants to be able to share this game as SnapLens! Thanks to intensive reduction, and optimal use of Lensstudio's components, we were able to achieve the goal. Super exciting development work at the limit of file size / performance and high-end visualization.
hunt your goal
Target and fly
Touch the UI
The interface is essentially divided into 3 areas, with the central area in the middle hosting the main interaction. This is used to control the flight path of the ship. There is also a classic navigation, which contains the achievements and goals, and a bottom navigation, where a button for shooting is placed.
What would a game be without interaction, or an interface without functionality?
Probably nothing that you can operate and interact with. Exactly these possibilities of interaction have been implemented by the weltfern developers. The idea was to be able to control a ship fluently in Augmented Reality, to be able to shoot, to fly and to play the game. Of course, we also rewrote the rules here and made the impossible possible.
There are no limits, at the most there is an expectation that will have a giant fight with the deadline. The ultimate goal was to create a playful minigame that would get people moving around the room enjoying the products. The weltfern team had incredible fun creating this little interactive game and to this day we are proud of the experience!
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