HDA workflow: simulating multi-storey buildings in Houdini
Emil Guder dissected the Houdini Digital Asset (HDA) he set up to simulate the construction process of a customizable building.
Hi, my name is Emil Guder, I am currently working as a Procedural Artist at weltfern interactive, a Hamburg-based future tech company. On the side, I am studying Art & Animation at the SAE Institute. I started to develop an interest in art and design when I was a little kid. Back then, my parents would wake up early in the morning because I was already up and rummaging around in the huge box of Legos searching for the bricks I needed to build some random stuff I'd come up with the night before. Today, it feels like I am still doing the same thing, just using nodes instead of bricks...
Ellie Harisova - Editor bei 80 Level
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